Get clarity on your goals
and find
confidence to get started 

Invest an hour of your time and see if coaching is right for you

  • Karolina helped me decide on actionable steps I could take to start heading in the right direction. Her optimism left me feeling better and more confident about my situation by the end of the session. Would definitely recommend!


  • Working with Karolina is nothing short of a true pleasure. Her genuine nature, thoughtful questions, and insightful observations allow you to feel comfortable while digging into the layers that make you human.


  • I was guided to find the direction, and the ways to the direction. I was encouraged to express my thoughts and my goals. The exercises between the sessions help me to rethink, reflect and practice.


  • I felt like it was good to just speak my thoughts out loud to someone outside of my work and social circles. Karolina provided an understanding and listening ear to allow me to bounce around ideas. I also liked that she repeated things back to allow me time to process what I had said.


  • Karolina's ability to ask thought-provoking questions not only kept the conversation engaging but also encouraged deeper exploration and understanding of the topics discussed.


  • Having been diagnosed with ASD, this was taken into account, and I always felt heard during our sessions.


  • I loved the vibe and feel. Very open, positive and kind. I felt it helped me do some introspection, and figure out answers to my own questions.


  • Since our sessions, I’ve been able to hold myself accountable better, which has led to amazing discoveries and greater fulfillment."


  • Karolina is helping me explore my career change journey as a highliy-sensitive person, supporting me to celebrate my strengths and plan a way to support myself practucally and emotionally.


  • She has a wonderful, kind and loving personality that comes from the heart. It was super easy and enjoyable to get along with her. Many thanks to you, Karolina!!


This is what happens when you book the clarity session

This session is a free consultation. The goal is for BOTH of us to decide whether we’re a good fit to work together.

On this Google Meet call, I will ask you questions to help you:

  • Gain clarity on what is it that you want to achieve at work and in your personal life.

  • Visualise your future self that might seem blurry and distant at this moment.

  • Discover the challenges and obstacles that could get in your way now or in the future.

  • Identify the most powerful actions you can take right after the session.

  • Find confidence to back yourself and take ownership of your situation.

  • Complete the consultation with self-belief and the clarity of what to do next.

This structure gives us an opportunity to see whether coaching is a good fit for your goals AND whether I’m the right coach for you given my skills and the format of my programs.

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This is a free, no-commitment offer

Thanks to the structure of the Clarity Session, these consultations are packed with value and insights tailored specifically to the person in front of me - yourself.

During our session, I will take the time to understand your personal and/or professional aspirations. If I see a strong alignment between the support you need and my expertise, I will spend the last few minutes discussing how we can work together further and answering any questions you may have.

If we agree that I'm not the best fit to help you, I will guide you to someone who can.

You are the ultimate decision maker. You are no required to make a commitment on the call, since I recognise this is an investment of time and money.

There are usually three scenarios of what happens at the end of the call:

  • It’s a big YES from both sides and you’re ready to enrol! If that’s the case - congrats! After the call, I will send you an email with a coaching agreement and payment details. After these are sorted, I’ll send you an onboarding email with relevant information and resources to get you started. —> It’s a win/win situation: for you, this investment is the first courageous step towards building your confidence and betting on yourself. For me, I get to work with a new fantastic client and be involved in your growth.

  • You need time to think. If that’s the case, you’re just like me - a deep thinker who needs time to reflect before making a decision. I support that and encourage you to check out other options as well. By the end of the call, we will agree on a follow up date in case this is something you’d like to put in your calendar. —> It’s a win/win situation. You get to take your time and I get confirmation that you’re making a thought-through decision. 

  • It’s a no, either on your or my side. Coaching might not be the best support for you at this stage and maybe starting with therapy is a better choice. Or perhaps coaching is in fact the right support, but my skills and methods are not aligned with what you’re looking for. Either way, we will go our separate ways and talk again if the situation changes in the future. —> Don’t be afraid if it’s a no - it’s actually a win/win situation too. You will get clarity on what to do next, and I get someone who will be happy to keep me in mind for the future or recommend me to their friends and colleagues.

Note: If the available times in my calendar don’t work for you, reach out. I often have 'secret slots' available and can offer you additional scheduling options.


There’s nothing for free in life - what’s the catch?

I like to think of this session as a win/win situation. You get a ton of value through a free coaching consultation, and I get either a new ideal client or, if we don’t decide to work together at this time, someone who will be happy to recommend me to their friends and colleagues or write a short testimonial about their experience.

What if I like the free consultation but I don’t like the program itself?

If we decide to work together, I’m confident you’ll love the value of my support programs. So much so that if at any point you’re not entirely satisfied, I will give you a refund of all of the remaining sessions, no questions asked.

Can’t I just figure this out on my own?

I believe you’re an intelligent and resourceful person, so yes, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own. It will be a long and confusing journey, though, especially if you’re an introvert or a Highly Sensitive Person who experiences setbacks quite painfully and tends to overthink a lot. Every client I work with says that the thing holding them back the most is themselves.

Whether you choose to work with me or someone else, you will have access to expert insight, proven coaching/psychology frameworks, and an accountability partner who will guide you, challenge you and support you in a safe environment.


“Karolina has a remarkable ability to comprehend complex situations and guide her clients through deep reflection. I was feeling stuck in life. However, Karolina's guidance helped me assess my situation and devise effective strategies for progress. With her assistance, I not only gained clarity on my goals but also developed the necessary tools to achieve them.”


“Karolina is a wonderful coach, destined to become a leading figure in her field. My coaching experience was useful and insightful. Karolina created a space for growth and positive challenge, while offering invaluable support throughout. This enabled me to achieve my goals and also to take new ways of thinking into other areas of my life. Incredible value for money.”


I felt like it was good to just speak my thoughts out loud to someone outside of my work and social circles. It is not always comfortable to speak to those at work about goals which perhaps exceed what they can provide and in a social context, people are not always understanding of that drive. Karolina provided an understanding and listening ear to allow me to bounce around ideas. I also liked that she repeated things back to allow me time to process what I had said. It sounds different coming out of someone else's mouth.”

I look forward to meeting you!
