
Ross Maguire, Full Stack Engineer (ClimateTech startup), said:

“I reached out to Karolina for her coaching services to help me find more fulfillment in my life and as her focus is on highly sensitive people, this seemed to be appropriate. After two months of working together, I can confidently say that Karolina is an amazing, caring, and nurturing coach as well as an individual, and I have been able to experience life with a more focused and fulfilling attitude.

During our time together, I was fortunate to experience her outdoor coaching format which, as a lover of nature, fit perfectly for me and provided a better outlet for me to express difficult topics whilst operating in a calmer and engaging environment. In addition, getting to walk and talk boosts those endorphins so I always came away feeling energised, motivated, and happy we met our ten thousand steps goal in ninety minutes.

Throughout the process, Karolina assigned different tasks to really hone in what we discussed and put it into practice. One key task was to be kinder to myself and give myself permission to not be “productive” so if there was a quiet moment at work, I would intentionally find more work to do and have led myself to burnout quicker. Following this approach of giving myself permission, I’ve been able to improve my guitar playing skills and explore new hobbies such as digital art on my iPad.

Like many others, I had my apprehension about coaching and whether it would benefit me. However, after an initial consultation with Karolina, I was given a platform to discuss any concerns that I had and how her coaching may be able to help. As a result, I was able to convey many concerns in my life without prompting and we were able to tackle each one throughout our sessions. To add to this, I came to some sessions with no topic and left with new tasks to tackle as well as new perspectives. This wouldn’t have been possible without Karolina’s specific focus on highly sensitive people and having been diagnosed with ASD, this was taken into account and I always felt heard during our sessions.

If anyone is considering coaching and is a highly sensitive person, I’d highly recommend Karolina as her coaching felt incredibly personal and made me feel heard. Since our sessions, I’ve been able to hold myself accountable better which has led to amazing discoveries and greater fulfillment :)”

Sabina Zielińska, Voice Coach, said:

“I contacted Karolina because I felt stuck professionally. I wanted a change, but I didn't know what would be a good step and what to choose to move forward. At the same time, I was full of fears and doubts, which also made it difficult for me to do something different professionally than I had done before.

Together with Karolina, we identified my fears and found a way to deal with them. I managed to define what I care about and what I want to do - in harmony with me, without unnecessary comparison and influence by the actions of others in my industry. I also clearly named my motivation for changes, which I also needed to start doing something new.

I felt very comfortable with Karolina. The way she is and the way she talks helped me open up, which is not so obvious and easy if you are an introvert like myself :)”

Chun-Yu Chang, Data Analyst, said:

“Karolina helped me to see the real reasons behind the problems I thought and to find the direction towards my career goals.

Before the coaching session, I struggled with preparing for job interviews and lacked confidence in how to effectively showcase my strengths. Fortunately, I met Karolina through a volunteer organisation and had the opportunity to face and solve these problems.

During the process, we spent four sessions together working on my personal impression. One of the tasks was to ask my friends to point out three of my most obvious traits. Through this process, I was able to understand what qualities I was showing to others, compare the gap between "how I wanted to be seen" and "how others actually saw me," and figure out ways to adjust those impressions.

We discussed "how I wanted to be seen" and the reasons behind the gap, which helped me rethink and reflect my career. This task provided clear guidance for both interview preparation and CV revisions to present myself more effectively—exactly the solution to my problem. Actually, I also applied this approach to my personal life, like the self-training after a coaching session in a gym.

As an introvert, I found it really comfortable to share my deep thoughts with Karolina. If you’re facing any problems, even small ones, or feeling uncertain about your career, I highly recommend having a chat with her!”

Ashley Alderman, Customer Success Manager (SaaS startup), said:

“Working with Karolina is nothing short of a true pleasure. Her genuine nature, thoughtful questions, and insightful observations allow you to feel comfortable while digging into the layers that make you human. Karolina's professionalism and empathy shine through during her coaching sessions - you can tell she truly cares. I would highly recommend Karolina to anyone seeking coaching on navigating the world as a highly sensitive person or introvert.”

Nitya Amalean, Growth Marketing Manager (AI news startup), said:

“Karolina created a safe, non-judgemental space for me to open up about certain challenges. She asked insightful questions that made me reflect and think about situations in a different light. We did a walk-and-talk by the Thames. Walking outside on a sunny day by the water for an hour made the session with Karolina that much more valuable. I left our conversation feeling positive and energetic. I highly recommend her as a coach.”

Peter Keill, Product Management Director, said:

“Karolina is an exceptional coach. With her natural energy, empathy and intuition she can help navigate through just about any challenge – from the simplest short-term goals to more complex, existential questions. She is a great multi-level listener and gives clients the space to think and explore topics at their own pace. She challenges in the right places & uses insightful questions to create new thinking - and always does this in a very positive, pressure-free way.

I highly recommend Karolina as a coach for any challenge you are facing – you can be sure you are in good hands and will move ahead with your goals.”

Lucy Limage, Content Marketing Manager (ClimateTech startup), said:

“Karolina is a warm & open person who makes you feel at ease straight away. No problem feels too big or too small to discuss and she has an excellent way of guiding you through thought processes. As a Highly Sensitive Person it was important for me to work with someone who understood the way I work and interact with others - Karolina has helped me honour myself in my ways of working.”

Lajja said:

“Karolina has a remarkable ability to comprehend complex situations and guide her clients through deep reflection. I was feeling stuck in life. However, Karolina's guidance was instrumental in helping me assess my situation and devise effective strategies for progress. With her assistance, I not only gained clarity on my goals but also developed the necessary tools to achieve them.

Her ability to ask thought-provoking questions not only kept the conversation engaging but also encouraged deeper exploration and understanding of the topics discussed.

I wholeheartedly recommend Karolina to anyone seeking a compassionate and insightful coach on their journey towards self-discovery and improvement.”

Christopher Bartley, Legal Director, said:

“Karolina is a wonderful coach, destined to become a leading figure in her field. The coaching experience was useful and insightful. Karolina created a space for growth and positive challenge, while offering invaluable support throughout. This enabled me to achieve the goals which formed the basis of the sessions, and also to take new ways of thinking into other areas of my life. Incredible value for money. I cannot recommend Karolina highly enough.”

Jacopo Conficconi, coach and business consultant, said:

“I've been working with Karolina as my coach in the past months, and I've been amazed by her energy, intuitive listening skills and support. As a professional coach myself, I recognize in Karolina a deep empathy, a structured approach and the innate ability to understand and support her clients' needs. And as a client, I've been helped to build a vision for my business more aligned with my higher goals and desires. Thank you Karolina, and I hope we'll work together soon.”

Ben Hoi, Java FinTech Consultant (banking), said:

“I’d like to express my highest regard for Karolina and her unique approach to coaching.

Her coaching sessions offer a supportive, non-judgemental space that facilitates reflection, self-awareness, and confidence-building. This environment empowered me to instigate lasting positive change in my professional life.

Karolina's coaching is the mental equivalent of a gym workout – consistent engagement yields significant results. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone ready to commit to personal growth to take up her offering and explore the empowering journey she provides.”

Christine said:

“Karolina is helping me explore my career change journey as a highliy-sensitive person, supporting me to celebrate my strengths and plan a way to support myself practucally and emotionally. She is empathetic and calm, open and honest: I value her as a coach!”

Paula said:

“Karolina is an is openhearted coach, which I am very grateful about. Her holistic approach was very well adapted in the coaching session. She has a wonderful, kind and loving personality that comes from the heart. It was super easy and enjoyable to get along with her. Many thanks to you, Karolina!!”

Sanita said:

“It was good to just speak my thoughts out loud to someone outside of my work and social circles. It is not always comfortable to speak to those at work about goals which perhaps exceed what they can provide and in a social context, people are not always understanding of that drive. Karolina provided an understanding and listening ear to allow me to bounce around ideas. I also liked that she repeated things back to allow me time to process what I had said. It sounds different coming out of someone else's mouth”

Rosie said:

“My first session with Karolina was great. She was very reassuring and welcoming while also asking the right questions to uncover the main obstacles holding me back. She also helped me decide on actionable steps I could take to start heading in the right direction. Her optimism left me feeling better and more confident about my situation by the end of the session. Would definitely recommend!”

Wanjiru said:

“I loved the vibe and feel. Very open, positive and kind. I felt it helped me do some introspection, and figure out answers to my own questions. It provided an avenue to explore my own thoughts, and helped me realize I have the answers I need.”